Together with the Meeting Professionals International - MPI foundation, we support students from Ukraine. The MPI Foundation donates up to an additional $ 10,000!
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#ChallengedlaGOPR 2020 "Safety above all mountains in the world"
Professionals from the meetings industry associated in the MPI Poland Chapter association and students of the Vistula university, in cooperation with PZU, helped in the expansion and modernization of the Central Rescue Station of the Jurassic Group GOPR. In addition to supporting the mission of the Volunteer Mountain Rescue Service, the unusual CSR action allowed for the integration of representatives of the entities involved and increased awareness of the safety of events carried out in the field.

Our Home Society (2011-2017)
At the heart of the Our Home Society is a child in a difficult family situation. The organization focuses on children whose right to be brought up in a family is at risk or temporarily impossible to respect. The aim of the Our Home Society is to enable them to develop comprehensively, protect their rights and prepare them for responsible adult life.
IMEX Challange Poland 2010, Family Children's Home, Warsaw, 13-15 September 2010
Social involvement, interest in the fate of others, willingness to help are the features of those involved in the project "2010 IMEX Challenge Poland - a chance to change their life".