OdbyliÅ›cie kiedyÅ› spotkanie, które kompletnie zmieniÅ‚o wasze życie na kolejne dwa, trzy lata? A może nawet na staÅ‚e? Czasami czekacie na takÄ… rozmowÄ™ lub odpowiedniÄ… sytuacjÄ™, tak naprawdÄ™ poszukujÄ…c nowych doÅ›wiadczeÅ„. CzegoÅ› lub kogoÅ›, kto w jednym momencie może sprawić, że już nigdy nie bÄ™dzie tak samo. A może czekaliÅ›cie aż pandemia pozwoli w koÅ„cu wziąć gÅ‚Ä™bszy oddech, obudzić siÄ™ z letargu i porozmawiać... I jak? Zszokowani? Zaskoczeni? ZaÅ‚amani czy podekscytowani? MyÅ›licie, że można doÅ›wiadczać „kompleksowo” i poddać siÄ™ transformacji?
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WystartowaliÅ›my! Mamy 2021 rok. Zaczynamy. – Gotowy? – Ja? Zawsze! – Dobra, to kiedy siÄ™ spotykamy? – Wiesz, teraz pierwszy kwartaÅ‚, lockdown.
Rozumiesz, bÄ™dzie ciężko. – Tak rozumiem, ok. To do zobaczenia! A mówili branża spotkaÅ„…
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Cisza warunkuje spokój, spokój wspiera kreatywność, kreatywność skÅ‚ania do realizacji. Z drugiej strony wszyscy wiemy, że to wÅ‚aÅ›nie dynamika wydarzenia, zÅ‚ożoność jego produkcji, poziom trudnoÅ›ci w przedstawieniu produktu czy wreszcie motywacja i wpÅ‚yw na klienta majÄ… kluczowe znaczenie dla budowania doÅ›wiadczeÅ„. Skomplikowane… zacznijmy zatem od poczÄ…tku.
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​Kanon polskich taÅ„ców narodowych obejmuje wspóÅ‚czeÅ›nie pięć gatunków: poloneza, mazura, krakowiaka, kujawiaka oraz oberka. Tym razem to nie same taÅ„ce bÄ™dÄ… oczywiÅ›cie obiektem naszego zainteresowania, ale wystÄ™pujÄ…ca pomiÄ™dzy nimi sieć zależnoÅ›ci, tudzież po prostu siatka poÅ‚Ä…czeÅ„. A to już temat zdecydowanie bliższy branży spotkaÅ„.
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Pebbles are also valuable, so why fight for prizes!
We work hard every day to achieve success. We want to perform our duties reliably and most importantly - to develop. At least, these are the basic principles that the manager of the 21st century should strive for. But let's ask ourselves a more complicated question: do we like activities that lead us to win, prizes, awards, statuettes or precious stones ...?
Pebbles are also valuable, so why fight for prizes!
We work hard every day to achieve success. We want to perform our duties reliably and most importantly - to develop. At least, these are the basic principles that the manager of the 21st century should strive for. But let's ask ourselves a more complicated question: do we like activities that lead us to win, prizes, awards, statuettes or precious stones ...?
Pebbles are also valuable, so why fight for prizes!
We work hard every day to achieve success. We want to perform our duties reliably and most importantly - to develop. At least, these are the basic principles that the manager of the 21st century should strive for. But let's ask ourselves a more complicated question: do we like activities that lead us to win, prizes, awards, statuettes or precious stones ...?
Pebbles are also valuable, so why fight for prizes!
We work hard every day to achieve success. We want to perform our duties reliably and most importantly - to develop. At least, these are the basic principles that the manager of the 21st century should strive for. But let's ask ourselves a more complicated question: do we like activities that lead us to win, prizes, awards, statuettes or precious stones ...?
Pebbles are also valuable, so why fight for prizes!
We work hard every day to achieve success. We want to perform our duties reliably and most importantly - to develop. At least, these are the basic principles that the manager of the 21st century should strive for. But let's ask ourselves a more complicated question: do we like activities that lead us to win, prizes, awards, statuettes or precious stones ...?
And my calmness has the shape of your arms and sounds like your voice "- commented the owner of the company to the main organizer, and in" our language "event planners. She only muted the radio for communication with the technical crew for a moment, answering: "It'll be okay, I know it's important, you can count on me." She ran on. Is this a real story? Let's see! There is one fact - they have known each other for over 10 years, i.e. for a long time.
Sometimes you want it too much, sometimes you want it and you can't (I think), and sometimes ... get up, go and do it. Maybe then it will be different. Maybe then it will start working. Or maybe you just have to let go, take two steps back, then jump into the distance ...
AQUILA NON CAPIT MUSCAS - the eagle does not catch flies
Because is it not true that each of us was thinking how to become an eagle. How to fly come for one day? How to release thoughts and the body so that it really becomes partially migratory from a species that is settled. And more importantly - we know that the eagle feeds mainly on fish, waterfowl, occasionally carrion. On the other hand, he probably doesn't catch flies.
AQUILA NON CAPIT MUSCAS - the eagle does not catch flies
Because is it not true that each of us was thinking how to become an eagle. How to fly come for one day? How to release thoughts and the body so that it really becomes partially migratory from a species that is settled. And more importantly - we know that the eagle feeds mainly on fish, waterfowl, occasionally carrion. On the other hand, he probably doesn't catch flies.